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Master in Interior Architecture for Business Habitat

Current Status: Terminato
Course Type: Master Level:
Available Financing:
Tuition: Duration y/mm: 0/16
Places Available: Credits: 120 ECTS
Application Deadline: 25/01/2018 Admissions:
Start Date: 10/03/2018 End Date: 20/01/2019


Design is experiencing a time of strong momentum and growth. The rapid evolution of production methods and ways of living require more and more adaptability and innovation. Anticipating and stimulating change have become main factors effecting competitiveness, being an engine for change and effecting contemporary economies. Traditional disciplinary boundaries have been overwhelmed by the need for greater interaction, ability to work in groups and the transfer of technology. Designers are now required to know new design skills and ways of information sharing, as well as have improved ability to listen to the needs of clients. On the other hand, it provides designers with new opportunities to draw on the wealth of traditional knowledge but yet without formal conditions or style obligations. Even when applied to interior architecture, the designer must be able to make use of new skills to delineate separated professions, those typical of the architecture.

The way of selling ‘sales’ has changed mainly because of the dissemination of “online shopping” and effect of mass distribution. New forms of shared consumption have been established and commercial spaces now take on new forms and functions.

As in many other fields, they are not uniform linear transformations but are rather coexisting contradictory phenomena in very distinct situations.

Local businesses have survived mass distribution because ‘zero kilometre’ goods are displayed side by side with goods coming from other continents. Even the shop under your house is not immune to the online buying phenomenon.

Each industry sector has developed a mix of technologies and processes that the designer must be able to know how to use and to which the project has to adapt to.

The very concept of ownership and selling is being questioned in favour of other forms of access to goods and services.

The ‘experience’ of a product remains fundamental, even when a sale is not ‘on the spot’, it has become even more important to transmit the intangible values, narrative and symbology associated with the goods.

Creativity, when also applied to a complex issue like commercial spaces can sometimes be rendered in a software program to track a shipment as in an interface to manage to an online business application or an interactive information system, but in any case it must aim to take advantage of new knowledge/systems to improve the effectiveness of the process.


Il Master prende in esame lo spazio progettato sia nei suoi aspetti estetici, funzionali, relazionali, sia nelle modalità d’uso e valori simbolici.

L’attenzione verso le nuove forme che lo spazio commerciale assume per effetto delle profonde trasformazioni della distribuzione e delle tecnologie dell’informazione ci obbliga a reinventare i luoghi in cui i consumatori accedono ai beni di consumo.

Il Programma del Master si avvale di collaborazioni e partnership con aziende e professionisti locali ed internazionali per meglio cogliere processi nella loro dimensione globale e nell’impatto locale, senza trascurare gli effetti sulla forma fisica della città così come quelli sociali e sulla distribuzione del lavoro e della ricchezza.


Master Module

// lenght: 9 months
// start: january 2018
// language: english
// value: 60 ECTS credits

The Master’s Module will allow students to deal with specific design themes and go into detail on physical characteristics, semantics and symbols of space design. The Master’s Module includes several design workshops and lessons designed to develop awareness and control of content design. The workshops will be run by teachers with professional experience together with guests that will delve into the evolution of the distribution process, sales and consumption of goods from different points of view.


IAAD offers 5 scholarships to be assigned to candidates according to curriculum and portfolio evaluation.

The available scholarships are:

1 worth 100% the tuition fee
2 worth 50% the tuition fee
2 worth 20% the tuition fee

EnrolLment fee and eventual EABHES tax stay at the student’s expense.

Scholarships will be assigned to the top 5 students in the Preliminary application ranking, and will be confirmed for the Master module prior the passing of all Preliminary exams with a minimum 27/30 average. Scholarships will be awarded with merit criteria from a board selected from the Direction and from the Master Program Coordinator.


// Preliminary Module
Preliminary Module can be accessed by graduates and postgraduates in Architecture and professionals seeking a specialization in interior design.
Admission depends on the evaluation of the candidacy, which will have to be presented thorough a cover letter, curriculum vitae and portfolio. IAAD reserves the right to ask the candidate, when deemed necessary, an additional interview at the head office or via Skype.

// Master Module
Admission to Master Module from Preliminary depends on the positive result of the exams undertaken during Preliminary. Access to Master is possible only with the authorization of the Coordinator based on the evaluation of academic titles, professional curriculum and portfolio.


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