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SDA Bocconi: scholarships and tuition waivers for MBA candidates

Application Deadline: 30/04/2017

Each year multiple scholarships and tuition waivers are available for outstanding candidates, thanks to the ongoing support of companies, other organizations, as well as our Alumni and current students.

Student and Alumni support is the foundation on which SDA Bocconi sets the basis to provide scholarships for future promising young leaders who will, in turn, serve as models and contribute to lead global changes starting in the classroom and ending with a new professional path.
Therefore, scholarship recipients may consider giving back to help the School conceive, design and implement new initiatives and a better program, as well as create a stronger sense of community. Even a small gift has impact and may change lives.

SDA Bocconi School of Management is making available 31 total/partial merit-based scholarships and tuition waivers to 2017/18 MBA candidates with an outstanding profile.

The tuition waivers/scholarships are usually awarded before the Program begins. The number and assignment criteria of total or partial tuition waivers are defined and acknowledged by a special Commission whose decision is final and will be notified to beneficiaries by the beginning of the Program.

The full list is available on the Master website.

All Others Scholarship

IED: 142 borse di studio per Master e Lauree Magistrali

Application Deadline: 28/05/2024

Il bando è aperto fino al 28 maggio 2024.