More than 2300 Masters post-degree in storage
Latest Update: 17/04/2024 at 08:58

Master of Public Administration: scholarships provided by SDA Bocconi

Application Deadline: 11/04/2018

SDA Bocconi School of Management is making available 4 partial merit-based tuition waivers for the 2018-2019 MPA edition.

Admission to the MPA Program is independent of the award of any scholarship or tuition waiver.

To be eligible for a tuition waiver, applicants must:
- Have sent the application to the 2018-2019 MPA Program
- Look at the pre-requisites for the tuition waiver
- Send the Tuition waiver Application Form by the indicated deadline (even though their selection process is still in progress)

More info available on this website.

All Others Scholarship

Master IED: agevolazioni sulle iscrizioni anticipate

Application Deadline: 18/04/2024

IED offre un'agevolazione speciale per i Master e i Bienni Specialistici dell'anno accademico 2024/2025 organizzati nelle sedi di Milano, Firenze, Roma, Torino e presso Accademia Aldo Galli di Como.

Master ISTUM: promo edition fino al 20 aprile

Application Deadline: 20/04/2024

Prosegue la PromoEdition per due Master di Istum - Istituto di Studi di Management.