More than 2300 Masters post-degree in storage
Latest Update: 17/04/2024 at 08:58

SDA Bocconi Full-time MBA: 31 scholarships available

Application Deadline: 10/04/2018

SDA Bocconi School of Management is making available 31 total/partial merit-based scholarships and tuition waivers to 2018/19 MBA candidates with an outstanding profile.

The tuition waivers/scholarships are usually awarded before the Program begins. The number and assignment criteria of total or partial tuition waivers are defined and acknowledged by a special Commission whose decision is final and will be notified to beneficiaries according to the dates indicated in each Notice of Competition and no later by the beginning of the Program.

More info on this site.


SDA Bocconi MBA | Words from the Director: a game changer for purpose-driven students

All Others Scholarship

Master IED: agevolazioni sulle iscrizioni anticipate

Application Deadline: 18/04/2024

IED offre un'agevolazione speciale per i Master e i Bienni Specialistici dell'anno accademico 2024/2025 organizzati nelle sedi di Milano, Firenze, Roma, Torino e presso Accademia Aldo Galli di Como.

Master ISTUM: promo edition fino al 20 aprile

Application Deadline: 20/04/2024

Prosegue la PromoEdition per due Master di Istum - Istituto di Studi di Management.