More than 2300 Masters post-degree in storage
Latest Update: 24/01/2025 at 10:00


115 New Cavendish Street, W1W 6, London
Tel.+44 (0)20 7911 5000

Current Status:
Course Type: Master Level: 1
Available Financing:
Tuition: £9,500.00 Duration y/mm: 0/12
Places Available: Credits:
Application Deadline: Admissions:
Start Date: 15/09/2016 End Date:


The demand for information technology specialists is steadily rising all over the world. The European Commission believes that even in a ‘stagnation’ scenario, demand for IT specialists will exceed supply within the EU, while all forecasts suggest that, as economic growth resumes, the demand for IT expertise will be even greater.

This innovative course responds to the latest developments in business practice. It examines the broader issues of business imperatives and technology responses that have changed the way information systems are perceived. It also addresses the key aspects of contemporary business information systems, from requirements analysis, system modelling and design to the development of modern software solutions and databases that can be incorporated into fully operational information systems.

The course provides an excellent vehicle for challenging postgraduate study, which will develop your skills for employment and professional life. The course is aimed both at graduates with a good Honours degree in an IT or computing-related discipline, and at practitioners who want to further their careers, update their technical skills and deepen their knowledge of emerging technologies.


You will explore the latest technologies and industry standard, with a particular emphasis on the web, internet applications, enterprise information system, service-oriented and component-based development, and similar areas. By examining issues such as security, privacy and ethics in information system, you will enhance your understanding of societal use of information system. Embedded into the course are three themes that enable you to specialise your studies in contemporary information systems, enterprise-wide information system, or application development. Your course project consolidates the taught subjects of the course, while giving you the opportunity to pursue in-depth study in your chosen area.

Teaching methods include lectures, student-led activity and smaller, instructor-led groups. Your coursework will range from presentations and group investigations to software development or research review. Taught modules may be assessed entirely through coursework, or may include a two-hour exam at the end of the year.


The following modules are indicative of what you will study on this course. For more details on course structure and modules, and how you will be taught and assessed, see the full course document on the master website.

Core modules

  • Architectures, Design and Deployment of IS
  • Methhods for Research and Industry
  • Postgraduate Project Module
  • Requirements and System Modelling

Option modules

  • Business System Programming
  • Computing for Business and Management
  • Data Management and Repositories
  • Data Visualinsing and Dashboarding
  • Data Warehousing and OLAP
  • Database  Languages
  • Enterprise Utility Computing
  • IT Business Models
  • PRoject Management
  • Semantic and Collaborative Technologies
  • Web and Social Media Analyticweb
  • Enabled Database Applications


You should have a good Honours degree (at least a Lower Second Class) from a UK university (or overseas equivalent) in an IT or computing discipline, or in another discipline that is either closely related to IT or computing (eg economics and business studies), or provides important underpinning for/insight into it (eg sciences or engineering). You may also be considered according to work experience and other qualifications.

If your first language is not English you will need an IELTS score of at least 6.5, with 6.0 or above in each element, or equivalent.

Career Prospects

Graduates can expect to find employment as business intelligence consultants, business systems analysts and designers, enterprise consultants and managers, ETL marketers, and ETL/OLAP programmers and application developers.

Recent graduates have found employment with a range of organisations including Accenture, the British Council, Centaur Holdings PLC, Deutsche Bank, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, GlaxoSmithKline, Home Office, IBM, Logica, Merrill Lynch, Nationwide, PWC, Standard and Poor's, University of Hertfordshire, Taylor Woodrow, and a number of local authorities.


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